September 2015 MSDN Session at Globe–Event

Thank you PHINUG for the invitation to talk about continuous integration with Visual Studio online and Microsoft Azure.


Warren Yu, Microsoft MVP: Application Lifecycle Management


Michael Peña, MSP Alumnus currently at Avanade


Jerome Punsalan’s lightning intermission number to perk up while eating.


Me (John) Taking questions from the audiences.


Again thank you and see you on the next PHINUG event!


September 2015 MSDN Session at Globe

PHINUG celebrates only tech talks and love for the cloud if you remember the 17th night of September!

The Philippine .NET Users Group (PHINUG), Microsoft Philippines, and Globe Labs presents another installment of MSDN Sessions, a monthly series of weekday after-office hours talks for software development professionals and enthusiasts of Microsoft developer technologies.

The event will be held on will be held on Thursday, September 17, 2015, 6:00 PMto 9:00 PM at Globe Telepark Valero, which could be found at Valero St. (near VA Rufino), Makati City.

Our speakers for the next session will be:

  • John Delizo, MVP for Software Packaging, Deployment, and Servicing, is going to talk about DevOps and Continuous Delivery using Visual Studio and Microsoft Azure, and discuss about how Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio Online helps developers in increasingly automated development, testing and deployment setups.

  • Warren Yu , MVP for Application Lifecycle Management will discuss aboutLeveraging VS ALM tools in a Lean Startup Environment. Warren will discuss how to get those products out in the leanest/meanest way possible.

We also have a lightning talk:

Michael John Pena, MSP Alumnus will discuss about Portable Class Libraries.

Food and drinks will be served at the event. See you there!

Containers at Microsoft Big Top Festival


So me and Edison talked at Microsoft’s Big Top festival in Blue Leaf Macapagal. We shared a slot to talked about the things we are doing in the past and how it is being done in the modern world with Microsoft Azure. Edison talking about open source on Microsoft Azure.


Certainly the days when we host our PHP and ASP websites with some hosting company or even in the office.


Dev-Ops were different back then, right now, it’s a one line switch from one container to another container thru PowerShell.


Switch production systems in seconds not days.


So there, Full development, Dev-Ops, Open Source, on one platform. Good times!
